Most people have heard about online banking but probably haven't tried it their own. They still pay bills by mail and deposit checks at bank branch, much the way the parent did.
People are still more comfortable dealing with bankers or agent which they say "more human touch".
Internet banking uses today's computer technology to provide the option to manage our finances more quickly and efficiently.
Why we must learn to utilise internet banking:
It operates 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Paying bills, money transfer, online share transaction etc. More and more service provided by the bankers which ease us managing our finance portfolio.
It only takes around 5-10mins for a single transaction comparing to 30mins-1hrs drive to nearest bank, queing up for a simple transaction.
Access worlwide:
With a computer and internet access, you will be able to access to your bank account wherever you are.
Save $:
Most importantly, It save $$$, petrol cost, parking fee and especially your time (time = $$$)