You must trust yourself more than you trust anyone else with your money -Suze Orman-

Time vs Wealth

by mw2rp | Thursday, September 24, 2009 in , |

With the time pass by, I'm on my way to my financial freedom goal. However, it is obvious that my time is not being fully utilised. Other than the daily routine job, my time seem just goes on like that. I am not able to give attention to other things that I should put my thought on it.

I know that time is required to accumulate wealth, especially for a person like me that not a risk taker that involve in business environment. I should spend some of my time to speed up this process, i.e. create other parallel income other than current daily job. Should I:
- doing part time job
- invest in dividend counter, collect passive income
- online business
- direct selling business
- as financial agent

what else can I do? think, think, think...

Any comments?


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