You must trust yourself more than you trust anyone else with your money -Suze Orman-

Saving- a task that sound easy but hard to do

by mw2rp | Thursday, July 09, 2009 in |

Saving = Income - Expenses
A simple equation which many unable to get positive result.
Me too facing the same issue where in a month I get a positive result and the other month extra expense makes the portfolio to nil.
Current status:
My current income: 4780/m
My fix expenses:
Home Loan: 1000/m
Parent: 500/m
No interest debt from gf: 500/m
Cable TV: 80/m
Internet: 110/m
Electric and Water Bill: 100/m
House security services: 50/m
Total: 2340/m
The above is not included expenses for food, petrol, toll, and miscellaneous.
Action to take:
1.) Keep record on daily expenses
- This will let me have a better picture on the overall profile and keeps me aware on my expenses.
2.) To set montly and yearly target
That's what i could think off at the moment. till now


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